Technical issues
- 2022 Korppiradio is (mostly) hibernating again.
- September 2021: Korppiradio is now running on LibreTime!
- Korppiradio is hibernating and the live stream is currently offline. We’ll be back on air when the next analog transmission period happens.
- If you have problems getting sounds from Korppiradio, please contact us. Use the chat box or email korppi(at)
- You can tune in to the live stream also by opening one of the following urls in your media player: (256kbps), (64kbps)
Upcoming shows and news
- 27th November 2023 Korppiradio will be 10 years old! We celebrate the day by broadcasting on Open Radio a special mix from the beginning of Korppiradio. Tune in!
- Korppiradio’s 15W FM-transmitter will be used 6-16.6.2021 at Oodi for PixelacheRadio #Burn____ which will feature also a selection of Korppiradio’s classic shows. The frequency is 91,0 MHz.
- Korppiradio will start 3 month analog broadcast in and around Hirvitalo, the centre of contemporary art in Pispala, Tampere. The frequency will be 91,0 MHz. The opening event Hetkinen… (Just a Moment…) by Vadelma Artists lasts one week from 17th to 23rd of August 2020, featuring radio workshops, visual art and live music clubs.
- 17.4. Antti Tolvi – Just Listening. Sound artists listening to ambience and discussing it. Every second Friday at 22 (EET).
- Korppiradio is getting more active with productions and wishes listeners’ participation. We are testing smartphone streaming and programing of live stream from distance. If interested please contact: korppi(at)
- 20.3.2020 Friday starting 17.00 (eet) Spring Equinox drumming from Sammatti. Also other transmission from different locations during the equinox time.
- BioSignals Live Stream from BioArt Society SOLU space. PixelAche Breaking the 5th Wall on Sat 25.5.19 14.30-17.00.
- Vapaa Maa poetry-soundscapes by Kosmas episode 5 is out 9.4.2019.
- Evamaria Müller’s “Adapting to Survive” is looking into different approaches to survival-strategies in nature, science, art and our daily lives. First episode in Korppiradio 9.4.2019 at 9 PM.
- One is Our Earth podcast series in 2019 – episode one coming out 19.2. In collaboration with
- Korppiradio 5 years special broadcast 27.11.2018! Tune in!
- Climate Changes in the City 22.11.2018 17-20 open discussion @ Design Museo Livestream. Listen here:
- Kulttuurikanttarelli page recent additions: Taide ja yhteiskunnallinen vaikuttaminen keskustelu, Holy&Hot special from November 2017.
- BioSignals. Starting 18.5.2018 until Spring 2019. Read more.
- Cut-ups. Radio format. experimentation. starting in May. 2018.
- Korppiradio Forum is now open. Join the discussion!
- 9.3. Korppiradio’s new website and shows published!
- Flâneuse is a new show of poetry, texts and improvised music. Reading poetry and other texts with home made improvised music accompaniments. First show on 9.3.2018 at 20:00.
- Yhteiskunnallista liikettä (Political movement) continues on Saturdays 14:00-16:00. first broadcasts will be the trilogy of critique to community arts made in collaboration with Corax-radio on Saturday 17.3.
- Betoniviidakko continues 17.3.2018. In the first show we meet NYC based artist Hannah Ezzell in free discussion. The topics include US politics, history of exploitation and inherited trauma.
- Kuolemattomien kirjoissa (In The Books Of The Immortals) is Korppiradio‘s new show. Reading poetry and other texts with improvised music. First show on 11.3.2018 at 20:00.
- Eksynyt marjastaja returns! The private one person philosophy show on Saturdays 16:00-18:00 (in Finnish).
- Pornoradio continues 2018. Discussion on sexual topics, gender norms etc. on the way towards liberation.
- Kammari research is a new program for experimental thinking and arts. The first dialogue in 20th of March 2018. First topic: Technology as Ideology. The show will broadcast dialogues and research of the Kammari research group.
- Akan kirjassa is a show with topics ranging for example from mythology and traditional healing. Every third Thursday at 18:00 (in Finnish).
- VadelmaRadion publishes Fullmoon Festival -LIVE-recordings! From Käpylä lippakiska 6.9.2017.
- Raster Network – Racism Panel 1.10.2016 @Caisa in Archived shows.
- Pluriversity on Korppiradio
- Elävän kuvan seuran (The Society Of Living Image) lectures of film makers to film makers in a independent film academy (mainly in Finnish).